Module praisonaiagents.process.process



The main class for handling task execution processes in different modes (sequential, hierarchical, workflow).


  • tasks: Dict[str, Task] - Dictionary of tasks to be executed
  • agents: List[Agent] - List of available agents
  • manager_llm: Optional[str] = None - Language model for manager agent in hierarchical process
  • verbose: bool = False - Enable verbose logging


  • workflow(self) - Execute tasks in a workflow pattern with support for loops and conditions
  • sequential(self) - Execute tasks in sequential order
  • hierarchical(self) - Execute tasks in hierarchical order with a manager agent

Async Methods

  • aworkflow(self) -> AsyncGenerator[str, None] - Async version of workflow process
  • asequential(self) -> AsyncGenerator[str, None] - Async version of sequential process
  • ahierarchical(self) -> AsyncGenerator[str, None] - Async version of hierarchical process

Async Process Support

Each process type has an async counterpart that supports non-blocking execution:

class Process:
    async def aworkflow(self):
        """Async workflow process execution"""
        # Async workflow implementation
    async def asequential(self):
        """Async sequential process execution"""
        # Async sequential implementation
    async def ahierarchical(self):
        """Async hierarchical process execution"""
        # Async hierarchical implementation

Example usage:

# Create process instance
process = Process(tasks=tasks, agents=agents)

# Use async workflow
async for task_id in process.aworkflow():
    # Handle task execution
    if tasks[task_id].async_execution:
        await handle_async_task(task_id)

Async Process Features

  • Non-blocking task execution
  • Parallel task processing
  • Mixed sync/async task support
  • Efficient resource utilization
  • Async manager coordination (hierarchical)
  • Dynamic task scheduling (workflow)


A Pydantic model for handling loop data in workflow process.


  • items: List[Any] - List of items to be processed in a loop

Process Types

Sequential Process

  • Tasks are executed one after another in a linear fashion
  • Each task is completed before moving to the next one
  • Simplest form of task execution

Hierarchical Process

  • Uses a manager agent to coordinate task execution
  • Manager decides task order and agent assignments
  • Provides more complex task orchestration
  • Requires manager_llm parameter
  • Supports dynamic agent assignment

Workflow Process

  • Supports complex task relationships
  • Features:
    • Task dependencies
    • Conditional execution
    • Loops
    • Context sharing between tasks
  • Maintains task state and relationships
  • Handles data flow between tasks

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