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PraisonAI Code

PraisonAI Code helps you to interact with your whole codebase using the power of AI.

Different User Interfaces:

Interface Description URL
UI Multi Agents such as CrewAI or AutoGen
Chat Chat with 100+ LLMs, single AI Agent
Code Chat with entire Codebase, single AI Agent

Table of Contents

Install PraisonAI Code

  1. pip install "praisonai[code]"
  2. export OPENAI_API_KEY=xxxxxxxx
  3. praisonai code
  4. Username and Password will be asked for the first time. admin is the default username and password.

  5. Set Model name to be gpt-4o-mini in the settings

Other Models

  • Use 100+ LLMs - Litellm
  • Includes Gemini 1.5 for 2 Million Context Length

To Use Gemini 1.5

  • export GEMINI_API_KEY=xxxxxxxxx
  • praisonai code
  • Set Model name to be gemini/gemini-1.5-flash in the settings

Ignore Files

Using .praisonignore

  • Create a .praisonignore file in the root folder of the project
  • Add files to ignore

Using settings.yaml

(.praisonignore is preferred)

  • Create a settings.yaml file in the root folder of the project
  • Add below Variables and required Ignore Files
  - ".*"
  - "*.pyc"
  - "pycache"
  - ".git"
  - ".gitignore"
  - ".vscode"
  - ".idea"
  - ".DS_Store"
  - ".lock"
  - ".pyc"
  - ".env"

Using .env File

  • Create a .env file in the root folder of the project
  • Add below Variables and required Ignore Files

Using Environment Variables in the Terminal

export PRAISONAI_IGNORE_FILES=".*,*.pyc,__pycache__,.git,.gitignore,.vscode"

Include Files .praisoninclude

  • Add files you wish to Include files in the context
  • This will include the files/folders mentioned in .praisoninclude to the original context (files in the folder - .gitignore - .praisonignore)

  • Create a .praisoninclude file in the root folder of the project

  • Add files to Include

Include ONLY these Files .praisoncontext (Context)

  • Add files you wish to Include files in the context
  • This will include ONLY the files/folders mentioned in .praisoncontext to the context

  • Create a .praisoncontext file in the root folder of the project

  • Add files to Include

Set Max Tokens

Note: By Default Max Tokens set is 900,000



  • Create a .env file in the root folder of the project
  • Add below Variables and required Max Tokens

Default DB Location
